SE Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) makes provision for starting processing equipment, steam drum separators (steel cylinders with the diameter 2,9m, length 30,9m and weight 300t each) and associated equipment dismantling project.
The Project scope is a development of engineering design including Safety Analysis for dismantling of 8 (4 units in the Unit 1 and 4 units in the Unit 2) Steam Drum Separators and associated systems (metal constructions, pipelines, heat insulating materials, control cabinets and etc.), design and/or provision of required equipment, dismantling, fragmentation and transportation to the primary treatment rooms. The operations will take place in the radiation and contamination-controlled zone, classified as class 3, where specific requirements for the radiation protection are applied.
The Project will be financed by Ignalina International Decommissioning Support Fund administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereafter EBRD). The procurement will be organized in accordance with EBRD ‘Procurement Policies and Rules‘. Company from any country can participate in the tender unless otherwise specified in the procurement documents.
It is planned to procure the FIDIC Engineer services for the project supervision (separate procurement).
Procurement as well as all provided / received information will be conducted using the EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal (ECEPP). All those interested in this project and intending to participate in any project procurement tender (steam drum-separator dismantling or FIDIC engineer services) are invited to register on the ECEPP portal. Registered entities will be directly informed of all procurement activities.
The general procurement notice was published via ECEPP on 03/02/2022.
INPP plans to organize a Workshop using a remote meeting platform (Microsoft Teams, Webex, etc.) on 2nd March 2022 where INPP specialists will present and provide information related to the scope of the project, specifics, procurement procedures, etc. and answer the questions from participants. Please follow the notices on the ECEPP and INPP website.