Environmental impact assessment

Ongoing Environmental impact assessment

project No 

full title of the project type of document
- Valid for all decommissioning projects  Environmental Impact Assessment Programme


completed environmental impact assessments 

project no  full title of the project type of document
B20 Reconstruction and transformation of Ignalina NPP storage facility of bituminised radioactive waste into repository
B1  Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Ignalina NPP RBMK Units 1 and 2 
B19 Landfill Facility for Short-lived Very Low Level Waste 
B2/3/4 New Solid Waste Management and Storage Facility at Ignalina NPP 
B25 Near Surface Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Short-lived Radioactive Waste
B9-0 INPP Building 117/1 Equipment Decontamination and Dismantling 
U1DP0 INPP Unit 1 Decommissioning Project for Defuelling Phase
U2DP0 Decommissioning Project for INPP Unit 2 Final Shutdown and Defuelling Phase 
2207, 2208, 2214 Ignalina NPP D-0, D-1 and D-2 Units Equipment Dismantling and Decontamination