Procurement for the common safety criteria of DGR project

12 March,
Procurement for the common safety criteria of DGR project

SE Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (hereinafter – SE INPP) invites potential suppliers to participate in the public procurement of “Preparation of General safety criteria for deep geological repository (DGR) installation in Lithuania” services and to join the implementation of preparatory works for the installation of Deep geological repository in Lithuania.

Deep geological repository is a nuclear power facility (hereinafter - NPF), the installation site, project, and safety justification of which must comply with the nuclear safety requirements of the NPF. With this procurement INPP will purchase common safety criteria that will be developed in line with global best practice. Nuclear safety criteria are mandatory for any type of deep geological repository installed in any potentially suitable geological formation.

The deadline for submission of tenders is April 22 (inclusive). Considering the type of procurement and the duration of the mandatory procedures, it is tentatively planned that contract with the winner will be concluded in the third quarter of 2021. The term of the contract execution is 12 months.

After preparing the general safety criteria for deep geological repository installation, based on these and other prepared deep geological repository selection criteria (geological, socio-economic, etc.), an initial comprehensive assessment of suitability of Lithuanian potential areas for deep geological repository installation and prioritization of the most suitable areas for GA installation will be performed.

After the preparation of the general safety criteria for the installation of deep geological repository, based on these and other selection criteria (geological, socio-economic, etc.), an initial comprehensive assessment of the suitability of Lithuania's potential sites for the installation of deep geological repository will be performed. Prioritization of the most suitable sites will be executed as well.

Information about the procurement: CVP IS, TED 

More information about the deep geological repository project can be found here