Termination of the Procurement Procedure

07 August,
Termination of the Procurement Procedure

On 7th of August 2019 State enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (Ignalina NPP) terminated the open tender for the procurement of Construction Works for the Near Surface Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Short-lived Radioactive Waste and Design, Construction and Connection of the External Rain Utilities to the Infrastructure (B25-2 Project).

Public Procurement Commission has made the decision based on the throughout analysis of the questions raised by the tenderers and the complexity of amendments to the terms and conditions of the Procurement to be introduced in this regard, as well as potential impact of anticipated amendments on the submission of tenders and following the explanation provided by the Public Procurement Office (PPO) stating the obligation of the Contracting Authority to terminate the Procurement Procedure in case of essential changes of the terms and conditions of the Procurement and to announce the procedures anew.

“We are highly interested in ensuring the visibility and clarity of the procurement. Assessment of the Project complexity and the volume of technical information, it is not surprising that we have received many requests to clarify the terms of the Procurement. Their correction and clarification results in termination of the Procurement Procedures both in terms of volume and content. We had to terminate the procurement and are going to reannounce them to ensure clear and understandable terms for all suppliers taking part in the procedure”, said the Director General of Ignalina NPP Audrius Kamienas.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement of the Republic of Lithuania and the recommendations prepared by the PPO, the procurement procedures are terminated in order to clarify procurement documents and questions received and as well as to systematise the explanations of the Contracting Authority. After making any necessary changes and agreeing the procurement documents with the Central Project Management Agency, the procurement will be reannounced.